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Sunday, May 30, 2004


Happy Birthday Ben!

Ben 18 Years Old Today
My baby boy Ben is 18 years old today.

Yes, it's trite, but I'll say it anyway... I don't know where the time went!

Ben is now a kind and well-grounded young man. A computer geek like his Dad. A musician and lots of other things. And of course, he's still my baby boy.

Near the end of last school year, Ben found out that because he only had two required courses left to graduate, he could take equivalent courses at Anne Arundel Community College. So that's what he did this past school year, and he'll be graduating with his class a week from tomorrow. This fall, with most of his freshman year out of the way, he's going to study computer science at University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

With his birthday almost over today, I realized that I hadn't taken a photo of him to mark the day. So already in bed, characteristically still IM-ing his friends on his wirelessly-connected laptop, he good-naturedly agreed to pose.

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